We hope you will join us for this year’s Kabbalah Day on Sunday, January 29th, from 9 AM to 5:30 PM at the JCC of Manhattan.
Experience an inspiring day of learning with today’s master teachers of Kabbalah in an environment that combines academic excellence with spiritual vitality.
Please click here to register. The cost for the event is $45 in advance, $60 at the door.
I will be leading the following topics:
1. Cause and Effect: the Physics of Kabbalah
The impact of our deeds on the big scheme of things. Through analysis of a Biblical verse and the Zohar’s commentary, you will come to understand the ripple effect of our deeds on the cosmos, the way in which deed counter-intuitively feeds the spiritual light or aura around us, and our relationship to the Shechina as it is born of action.
2. Become the Light: Study and Meditation
A textual reading will be our point of departure in a discussion about our mission to illuminate the world with our very being. Remarkably, the means to achieving this happens through our most physical identity. We will plot a path for this journey through an examination of light, our physical body, and the letters “alef” and “ayin” as discussed in the Zohar. This will be followed by a meditation to allow for an experiential relationship to the topic at hand.